Sharing in the Life of God 

for the Life of the World

Formation Hour
9:00 AM

Holy Eucharist
10:15 AM

Welcome to All Saints!

We can't wait for you to join us on Sunday. 
Be sure to stop by the welcome desk in the Narthex to connect with us.

What to Expect

We would love for you to join us for worship! Click below to learn more about what our gatherings are like and what you can expect.

The Diaper Project

The Diaper Project is a Ministry of All Saints Anglican Church. We support families in West TN by distributing free diapers once a month.

Prayer Requests

Click the link below to add a prayer request to the prayer list.

Take your next step

Learn more about how you can connect and grow in Jesus and community.

Daily Office

The Daily Office Lectionary is our Bible reading plan. Join in with us and Anglicans across the globe as we pray and read scripture together.

Join a Ministry Team

Whether it be hosting a small group, serving with kids or youth, or serving on a Sunday morning ministry team, we are always looking for those with a heart to serve God's Kingdom.

Latest Sermon

Our Common Life

We believe that the Church is a community of practices—practices that allow us to “share in the life of God for the life of the world,” practices that ultimately form us more and more into the likeness of Jesus. To be a part of All Saints is to participate in three sets of practices that we believe are central to the Christian life. These practices represent our common life. We invite you to share in them with us.

Faith Formation in the Way of Jesus

We believe children are already deeply spiritual and curious about God and His world. Our desire is to nurture this spirituality, to bring children to Jesus so as to help them hear His voice directly from Scripture. We hope to encounter God with our children.

Sharing in the life of God for the life of the world.

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