At All Saints we care deeply about the spiritual life and development of our children and young people. It does indeed take a church to raise a Christian, and we as a church family are committed to raising our young Christians or all ages to share in the life of God for the life of the world.

Then Jesus took a little child and put it among his disciples; and taking the child in his arms, he said to them, "Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me."

Mark 9:36–37



Nursery (0-3 years) is offered during the Formation Hour and services each Sunday. We offer three rooms based on age and development. Parents can bring snacks for their toddler and there is a nursing room for mothers. Parents are encouraged during communion to check their children out of nursery and receive communion as a family.

Nursery services are also provided for most church functions, such as Wednesday night gatherings. Our nursery staff are First Aid/CPR/AED certified by the Red Cross of Tennessee, so you can rest assured that your child is in capable and attentive hands. 

The Atrium

The Atrium (ages 4–11) is a place to help children enter into full, conscious and active participation in the liturgical and communal life of the Church through Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS).

  • Level 1 (Pre-K—Kindergarten) children will be oriented to the materials of practical life which aid in contemplation, and will spend time working with the liturgical colors/calendar, and the model altar to meditate on the Holy Eucharist celebrated every Sunday.

  • Level 2 (1st—5th grade) children will explore the Bible and the books that comprise it, the history of the Kingdom of God, and the vestments and articles of Holy Eucharist.

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Most Sundays during the sermon we offer a short Bible study for children 4–7 focused on the Gospel reading for that day that is facilitated by a trained adult leader and assistant.

After the Gospel reading in the service, the children are invited to the front of the nave to receive a prayer of blessing before leaving for Children's Liturgy of the Word. They return to service before Communion.


Sunday Mornings

For students Youth (6th—12th Grade) we offer a Formation Hour time focused around, Lectio Divina, liturgical instruction, reflection, and prayer from 9:00 to 10:00 am.

Youth Encounter

All students entering 6th–12th grade are invited each Wednesday from 5:45–7:45 pm at the church or host home for a night of food, fun and bible study. We also have periodic retreats and trips.

Youth Events

Safe Child Practices

We take the safety of all children very seriously. Anyone that works with the children or youth at All Saints have first been through interviews, background checks, and training.

Anyone interested in working with our children or youth will first be interviewed by our pastoral staff.

  • We get a glimpse into the persons background and why they are interested in serving with children.
  • Allows us to screen out those who may not be a good fit to serve with children or who display red flags based on their responses.
  • Gives the interested person a chance to learn about our ministry and see where they might be a good fit within it. 
All volunteers undergo an extensive background check to screen for any previous record of misconduct before moving on to the next step. We re-run this background check on all current volunteers, clergy, and staff members every two years. 

As important as background checks are, we are aware that abusers can often pass through undetected. This is why all of these elements together are important and serve as a safeguard to our children's and youth ministries. 

If a volunteer is selected to serve with the children or youth, they are then required to complete Ministry Safe training. This video-based training educates the volunteer in all aspects of child sexual abuse prevention including how to spot a predators 'grooming process' and how to become a gatekeeper alongside our other staff and volunteers.

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